
วันอังคารที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Factors Affecting The Quality Of Eggs, Sperm And Fetus

These factors will affect directly the qualities of sperm, eggs and accidentally damage the conception.

a. Alcohol, cigarettes addiction and the damage to races

Throughout the life progress, human body must produce resistant substances to work against unbeneficial impacts. Mutation in sexual genes (chromosomes arrangement) definitely happens in the generations of the children, grandchildren of alcohol, cigarettes addicts. The worst is appearance of monsters, mental disorders, underdevelopment, diseases such as asthma…
A research shows that, at present in every 1.000 newborns there are 6 babies who have chromosomes circuit changed due to above reason. In our country earlier, several areas have drinking habits and that causes direct damage to alcohol addicts (suffer from hepatitis and die soon). Their children and grandchildren also suffer from diseases and are less intelligent…
Everyone knows that this vice damages people, damages races, food, causes social disorder and safety. Many accidents (in labor, in daily activities, in traffic) are caused by the drunk. Science has proved that: there are cases in which the children is not from a alcohol addict man but they can be affect badly to health if they are fertilized when the father is drunk. The doctors advise that in the first three months of the pregnancy, the mother is not allowed to drink alcohol, even healthy alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

Science proved that the fetus was sensitive to cigarettes. Hemoglobin of fetus is impacted by the temperature and easily combines more with carbon (CO2) than hemoglobin of adults. Because of that, pregnant woman who smokes much will cause many damages to fetus. Almost every hemoglobin of fetus combines strongly with carbon, makes the fetus lack of oxide, leading to stillbirth, weak newborn, intellectual underdevelopment
Another research shows that there was death after smoking 60 cigarettes continuously. Then how many cigarettes can a fetus which weights a couple of hundred grams suffer? According to this research, the cigarettes addicted mother give birth the babies who weight 200g less than normal babies, the death ratio increases by 40%. The newborn usually suffers from bronchitis, pneumonia, small brain, less brain cells, intellectual underdevelopment, less intelligence, troubled study, the bring up and education will be harder. the consequence will clearly expose when the child is 7 – 11 years old
Smoke in house, bedroom and workplace affect also to the fetus and newborn. Many countries have banned smoking in room of newborn and pregnant woman.

b. The factors damaging sperm, egg and fetus

1. Environmental temperature

The mother easily get hotter than the other when being pregnant, fat layer gets thicker. However, cold resistance of the mother is better. If there is any long change in temperature (like walking long in the sun, working at too hot place, catching high fever or cold), the fetus will be affected. So, the pregnant mothers are not allowed to work for long time (or stay long) in the too hot, too cold environment even sunbathing, cold bathing need to be done at a specific level.

2. Oxide pressure

Oxide is very necessary for fast developing body like fetus. The mother stays in cool, enough oxide place then the fetus feels comfortable. Lack of oxide in the first three months can cause in the fetus loss of brain, bone deformation, cardiovascular defects. In the last three months, the fetus resists better but can hardy avoid the functional mistakes, intellectual abilities, resistance, immunity… of the baby will definitely reduced in the later time.

3. The medicines and nutrients

Many medicines which is beneficial and not harmful to the mother but seriously damage the fetus. Aspirins cause bleeding in the fetus if the mother takes a high dose in the last month. Vitamin D is necessary for mother and fetus but it will also cause stillbirth, monsters, disabilities, pregnancy intoxication if using overdose and not in time. To antibiotics the mother must be careful. In general, if using medicines and nutrients, the instruction from specialists is needed.

4. Bacteria and virus

Bacteria and virus can damage the fetus when newly formed through sperm and egg. Venereal bacteria cause a lot of fear for mothers and can be carried to the following generations. Virus of flu, measles, dengue, hepatitis, rubella, mumps… often cause stillbirth and monsters. In the measles outbreak in 1941, people saw many newborns having heart defects, deaf, intellectual underdevelopment… The mothers should not conceive if 3 months before that they have just had measles.
Statistics show that, if the mother has flu when the pregnancy is under 3 months then the risk of disabilities is 37%, if later, the risk will be 13%. Some newborns suffer from leukemia because  the mother had flu when pregnancy. In the above cases, the mother should ask for instruction from the doctors to deal in time.

5. Roentgen rays and radioactive rays

In order to avoid stillbirth, premature, disabilities, blood cancer and other genetic diseases…, the doctors often prevent the mother from roentgenization, because roentgen rays and the radioactive rays destroys ADN strongly, cause disorder n the chromosomes arrangement.

6. Parents’ ages

The woman at the age of 22, the organs in her body are fully completed, most of the women did have their jobs, can be independent in their lives, have a bit of social knowledge, conception, pregnancy, birth and fostering children. At this age, the women are eligible for being mother. The husband is usually a few years older than the wife or at the same age. And at that age, the man is physically and spiritually developed, eligible for becoming father. Giving birth too early affects the health of mother and child a lot.
The first born is usually less healthy and intelligent than the next one. The main reasons are:
- The parents are young, egg and sperm are not yet mature.
- Not yet prepared for active conception.
- The mother has no knowledge of pregnancy, delivery, fostering child.
- The mother is stressed about “big fetus difficult delivery”, although eligible but dare not to carry out, and wait for an easy delivery, that leads to the situation “good mother bad child”.
The youth need to have experience in delivery so that the firstborn would not be disadvantaged. In the near future, the firstborn will excess more than half of the population.
Besides, the aged couple should pay attention to their children. The child of aged mother suffers from Down disease more easily than that of young mother. The general frequence of this disease is 1/700 newborns. At the mothers under 30, this ratio is 1/2500 – 1/2000, at the mothers 30 – 34, this ratio is 1/2000; age 35 – 39: 1/50. Many researches show that, the chance of having Down disease in children also increases according to the age of fathers. The chance of having the disease in children also increases with young mothers (under 20 years old).
Down disease appears often in child of aged couples due to aged people’s cells decrease the abilities in executing exactly mitotic functions, make the frequency of broken chromosomes and the discrepancies in the quantities of chromosomes increase. In order to have healthy, intelligent, the mother should give birth from 22 – 30 years old.

