
วันอังคารที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Actively Giving Birth To A Healthy, Intelligent, Beautiful Newborn

Beautiful NewbornIn the nature, a lot of creatures did learn to actively choose to survive and develop. Human being – a special creature, learns to think and so learns to consider when giving birth to its children or grandchildren.
From past to present, the aspirations of the couples simply are that the children are healthier, more intelligent than parents, and more beautiful as well. Then the common aspirations are the fertilization at will: giving birth not too soon, but few and spacing fertility, healthy, intelligent, beautiful babies, even boys or girls, bringing them up so that they would become good citizens in the society… It’s all about the building and selection of races, a strategic leveled issue.

Realizing the right importance of the issue, we will have high determination to be active in giving birth particularly and in the activities of couples in general. From that, you will realize fully two totally different terms in husband and wife relationship:
- One is the term of conception, fertility.
- The other is the term of spouse physiology and contraception.
Herein we mainly discuss about the first term
For ease of application, the process of conception and giving birth is temporarily divided into 5 phases for reference:

1. Preparation

- Try to focus on fostering in a specific time. If one of the couple is weak, then that one should be fostered. If there is any disease which affect the fetus, then the disease must be cured. The woman reaching 22 but is not eligible, then the conception must be delayed.
- Do not conceive 3 months before, one of the couple suffered from measles, flu, dengue…
- The couple’s bedroom must be clean, nicely decorated with happy, healthy little babies.
- Have plan and prepare in advance the necessary conditions for the next phases.

2. Conception

- Spring is the right time for conception, when the couple are fit and comfortable. Besides, the environment effects, the climate effects to the baby and conception timing should be also considered.
- Just have sex once a day as planned, follow the method of conceiving boy or girl at will.
- Have sex in the morning, after a good sleep.
- The couple should not conceive when being drunk.

3. Pregnancy

In family (parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives…) should carry out a peaceful life, prevent the arguments from affecting the woman, especially in conception and pregnancy period. Since the conceiving till eleventh week is the most important in the whole process of the fetus’ formation and development.
- 1st – 3rd weeks: The eggs begin “nesting” in the uterine mucosa, the fetus is easily dead and miscarried.
- 2nd – 5th weeks: Formation most of the organs. This period, the fetus is easily dead or monstrous in large scale, causing monster or severe disabilities.
- 8th- 11th weeks: Forming placenta, the fetus easily has feeding disorder, causing deformity, congenital diseases, affecting the intelligence, physical, resistance of the baby later.
In this period, the couple avoid having sex. The woman should not use alcohol and cigarettes. If the woman suffers from measles, flus, dengue… then she must go to the doctor for solution.
After 3 months, the fetus has already formed the organs and begun to develop. Especially, in the last 3 months, the fetus develops quickly, if the mother’s diet contains too little protide, the brain cells quantity will decrease. In the later time, the brain cells quantity of the baby will no longer increase. Those babies when grown up will be affected in intellectual development.
When the pregnancy reaches the 8th month or the 9th month, the mother needs injecting in the muscles only one dose of 600.000 units vitamin A and 600.000 units vitamin D2 to prevent congenital rickets for the baby.
Vitamin A appears in liver oil of mackerel or butterfish, egg yolk, milk cream, several vegetable & fruit such as ripe momordoca, papaya, dandelion, carrots, lettuce. Vitamin D appears much in fish oil, animal liver, eggs… If not taking the medicines, you should eat more of the above foods.
In the last 3 months of pregnancy and first 6 months after birth, the mother needs to eat more 3 kg rice and 1 kg meat each month. So it can be assured that the baby will not be underweight and the mother will have enough milk for feeding.
In the last month, the couple should not have sex. The previous month they can have sex, but the movements must be gentle and in the prone position. When being pregnant, the women must have the fetus examined, at least from the beginning of pregnancy till the giving birth the women should have it examined 3 – 5 times. In the last months, they should come to the doctor more often, so that the doctor and the midwife can observe, diagnose and anticipate the birth.

4. Partum and Postpartum

All women want to have a “painless delivery”. For that, before or at the time of being pregnant, the mother needs to apply the following exercising method:
- At first, do some physical exercises to soften the hip, groin, knees, spine joints. Do the exercises in the supine, prone, crawling on four feet positions.
- Relax the whole body. This is the most important process, because when giving birth, the unnecessary muscles need to be soften and stretched, only moving needed muscles. Reducing the widespread swollen muscles.
- Focus on breathing.
- Try to control the diaphragm and cooperative muscles. When bearing, the mother needs to push on the in-breath. When pushing, use the diaphragm to push the uterus down and use the muscles above the chest to breath (breathing fast and shortly). Between two times of pushing, the mother needs to get back the breath quickly and relax the whole body.

Things should do and should not after giving birth.

- Do not stay in a room filled with coal, because coal can cause burns for the mother and baby. The toxic gas (CO2 gas) from coal smoke will break the erythrocytes, causing anemia in the mother and baby.
- The mother should not eat too salty, because it can cause high blood pressure, convulsions.
- Do the heavy work not too soon.

Things that need to be done:

- Leave the mother and baby in ventilated, wind tight places.
- Feed the baby with breast milk 2 hours right after delivery.
- The mother’s diet must include enough nutrients, vegetable, fresh fruit.
- Bathe, change clothes every day.
- Gently exercise when begin bleeding bad blood.
Need to go to the hospital when the mother has hyperpyrexia, bleed fresh blood and lochia has bad smelling.

5. Parenting phase

- Feeding: Feeding must happen right in 2 hours after delivery to take advantage of nutrient value and high immunity of the colostrum. The feeding need to be regular, comfortable, not following a preset strict and rigid schedule. Avoid too soon and sudden weaning, the baby must be feeded in at least one year.
- Inject vaccines to prevent the infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, measles, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus.
- When feeding with milk, the mother needs to eat much of osteogen, which the vitamin D content is 4 times and the calcium content is 2 times as much as normally. Lack of these two substances will lead to rickets. Vitamin D appears much in fish oil, rice, eggs… Calcium appears much in crabs, fishes, shrimps, milk…
- In order to avoid pneumonia, bronchitis and fevers for the baby, the mother need to keep the baby from changing body temperature suddenly (when the baby sweats, do not bathe immediately and fan hard).
- Air and light are necessary for the baby. Do not let the baby lack the fresh air and the morning light.

Having sex once to gain four objectives

First objective: The fetus gender determination

Why is having sex once regulation so strict? This is one of 3 fertility at will methods (2 other methods is the ovulation determination for sexual intercourse and the sperm ejaculation method to determine the gender of the fetus).
Once ejaculated, there are two sperm groups compete with each other, the faster group is sperm Y. 1-2 days after the ovulation, the eggs hide themselves in 1/3 of the oviduct and at the nozzle. Sperm Y group cover the egg creating the first layer but do not emit enough enzymes to break the egg membrane. Sperm X group cover the eggs creating the second layer and emit extra enzymes to support. The egg membrane are broken, a sperm Y inside if still fit, will come in first, then the egg is fertilized. And if the two groups can make it, then the fertilization will not happen.
If the couple have sex for the second time then the third layer is sperm Y group, the fourth layer is sperm X group. At this time, sperm at the first layer become weaker and sperm X will interfere to approach the egg membrane, and then sperm X (girl) gets in side and fertilizes.
To a problem with many unknowns, if not clearly stipulated and seriously executed then the result may turn out opposite (willing to give birth to girl but it turns out to be boy and vice versa). In both cases (boy, girl conception) the couple should have sex once, if in that period the conception did not happen then the couple should wait for the next period. Do not be hurry.

Second objective: Ensure sperm quality.

The parents transmit chromosomes to their children. The chromosomes quantity in the next generation is always equal to the chromosomes quantity in the previous generation, more or less chromosomes will cause disorders. Especially, the chromosomes quantity is always even (23 pairs): 23 chromosomes of sperm combine with 23 chromosomes of egg. This is the evidence for chromosomal inheritance of the consecutive generations. As calculated, the chromosomes carry thousands or millions of genes. Since the fertilization, forming the first gene, that gene carries many characteristics received from the parents. The damage of just one from millions of genes from the parents will lead to the beginning of genetic disease in many generations. Lack or excess of chromosomes cause disorders at a higher level.
Generally speaking, physical and spirit of the parents affect directly to the baby through egg and sperm since the moment of fertilization. Then thorough and elaborate preparation before conception is necessary. The woman prepares for the egg of best quality: good health, regular menstruation, happy and comfortable spirit. The man prepare for the sperm of best quality: good health, good mood, and save sperm in 7 – 10 days for conception. If having sex for the second time or many times, then the sperm is surely of low quality and quantity. Please note that the sperm can not be saved in more than 10 days, because this can reduce the quality too.

Third objective: Avoid the conceiving many babies in different eggs phenomenon.

The gender of fetus is totally decided by sperm. Normally, only one ovulation happens in each menstrual cycle. In some cases, the ovulation happens in both ovaries. Twinning, giving birth to many children of different genders or same genders but not alike is twinning in different eggs phenomenon or conceiving many babies in different eggs phenomenon, due to two or more eggs ovulate at the same time and are conceived. In case of twinning in the same egg or conceiving many children in the same egg then the twin are always of the same gender and look alike.
In a menstrual cycle, if the ovulation happens in both two ovaries, then it can happen at the same time or in the consecutive different times. It might be that some sperm get in the same egg but the conceiving can only be done by the first one. The others destroy themselves and become nutrients for the egg. Some documents show that after one sperm get in the egg then the cover layer of the egg will close so that only one sperm conceives with the egg.
The issue is that everyone want to give birth to one child each time, which is healthy, intelligent, beautiful and has the wanted gender. The volume of the uterus is adequate for one fetus and the fetus will develop normally in that limited space. When newly born, the baby weights above 3 kg or above 4 kg, that is good. So, the couple need to find out how to avoid giving birth to twin or three children….
In the earlier, most of the couples did not know how to be active in conceiving, having sex on demand and being pregnant unconsciously, they realize the pregnancy through late menstruation. Many couples had sex many times in a short period, The female orgasm, the contraction of ovary due to high pressure, make the ovulation happen again and again. Besides, in a short time, many sperm groups came in consecutively, stayed in the uterus and two oviducts, while 1-2 or many eggs ovulated, and the consequence is that many eggs may be conceived. Then, having sex once helps avoiding the risk of multiple pregnancies.
In case two eggs ovulate in the same place, inappropriate vaginal environment will weaken some sperm, some other sperm will swim around in the uterus but can not get in the oviduct. The rest can be equally divided in two oviducts (the fewer will not be able to break the membrane and only one egg is conceived).
If two eggs ovulate in different times, only one egg can be conceived. However, in case two, three or many eggs ovulate at the same time, the conceiving many children at the same time can easily happen. So, although having sex once but multiple pregnancies still happen if that is right on the ovulation. Then, having sex once method only takes good effect in case that the eggs ovulate not in the same time.

