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Pregnancy Test

The articles How To Conceive A Boy Or Girl and your usage of Conception Packages are used for increasing the your chance of being pregnant. So, now you are in the phase wherein you will do everything you can and hope that you are having the baby as planned. This page will provide you with some information on pregnancy examination.

Shettles Method

For those who do not like surprises, and really wants to conceive a child of a particular sex, Dr. Shettles in the 60 years of the last century, has developed a method of planning sex of the child. On it will be discussed in this article.

On what is the Shettles method

On what is the Shettles method

How to Conceive a Boy with Natural Methods

How to Conceive a Boy with Natural MethodsBased on  the alkaliphile characteristic of sperm Y, cleaning the vagina deeply with slightly alkaline solution 2 hours before the sexual intercourse is suggested to get rid of sperm X harmlessly.
* Balancing PH and your diet
Willing to give birth to boys need to support sperm Y, get rid of sperm X then use 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate sodium dissolved in 1 liter boiled water.

The Factors Affecting The Quality Of Eggs, Sperm And Fetus

These factors will affect directly the qualities of sperm, eggs and accidentally damage the conception.

a. Alcohol, cigarettes addiction and the damage to races

Throughout the life progress, human body must produce resistant substances to work against unbeneficial impacts. Mutation in sexual genes (chromosomes arrangement) definitely happens in the generations of the children, grandchildren of alcohol, cigarettes addicts. The worst is appearance of monsters, mental disorders, underdevelopment, diseases such as asthma…
A research shows that, at present in every 1.000 newborns there are 6 babies who have chromosomes circuit changed due to above reason. In our country earlier, several areas have drinking habits and that causes direct damage to alcohol addicts (suffer from hepatitis and die soon). Their children and grandchildren also suffer from diseases and are less intelligent…
Everyone knows that this vice damages people, damages races, food, causes social disorder and safety. Many accidents (in labor, in daily activities, in traffic) are caused by the drunk. Science has proved that: there are cases in which the children is not from a alcohol addict man but they can be affect badly to health if they are fertilized when the father is drunk. The doctors advise that in the first three months of the pregnancy, the mother is not allowed to drink alcohol, even healthy alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

How To Conceive A Girl Naturally

How To Conceive A Girl NaturallySince X sperm has the attribute like acid, the simplest method is that creates an acid environment before intercourse 2 hours by the vaginal douching with a harmless mild acid liquid to support and eliminate Y sperm.
* Your diet and Balancing PH
For a daughter pregnancy : need to support for sperm X, eliminating Y sperm, use a teaspoon of fresh lime juice mixed in 1 liter of water boiled.

Actively Giving Birth To A Healthy, Intelligent, Beautiful Newborn

Beautiful NewbornIn the nature, a lot of creatures did learn to actively choose to survive and develop. Human being – a special creature, learns to think and so learns to consider when giving birth to its children or grandchildren.
From past to present, the aspirations of the couples simply are that the children are healthier, more intelligent than parents, and more beautiful as well. Then the common aspirations are the fertilization at will: giving birth not too soon, but few and spacing fertility, healthy, intelligent, beautiful babies, even boys or girls, bringing them up so that they would become good citizens in the society… It’s all about the building and selection of races, a strategic leveled issue.

The Best Basic Conceiving Tips Ever

The Best Basic Conceiving Tips EverFor almost of couples, nothing can become more wonderful than the happiness of having a baby. And thus, the effective conceiving tips are constantly looked for. The immense feelings of happiness and reassurance flood over any parents who are hoping to bring a baby to life. Furthermore, this is one of the keys to the joy of a perfect family.
However, not all the couples have enough fortune for conceiving after deciding to have a baby. For many people, getting conceived isn’t simple as it may appear. In this instance, having a proper solution becomes necessary. Therefore, if you have the difficulties when making the effort to be pregnant, you will find the following tips effective and beneficial.

6 Tips To Maximize The Fertilization Rates

1. Stop using contraception

Obviously, if you desire a baby, you must stop using birth control methods but, some of the contraceptive methods have long-term effects. If you are using contraceptive pills, continue using them until the end of your current cycle, then try to have a baby  in the next cycle. If you are using condoms, diaphragm or cervical cap, all you have to do is stop the usage of them.

2. Eat the right foods

Basically, you should go on a proper diet with healthy protein, fresh fruit, whole grains, vegetables and minimize the consuming of high carbs foods, fats and sweets.

3. Supply your body with folic acid

Folic acid is a synthetic of vitamin B together with folate which will help decrease the danger of serious congenital abnormalities at the brain and medulla spinal. That defects may appear in the unborn children before mothers realize the pregnancy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that all pregnant women use folic acid supplements.

4. Stop smoking, drinking and using stimulants.

It is not difficult to find information about the terrible effects of nicotine, alcoholic drinks and stimulants to the fetus. Furthermore, these substances are affecting male fertility, causing damages to chromosome and decreasing in motility of the sperm cell.

5. Watch for mucous

When a woman ovulate, her body creates a slippy substance which is called cervical mucous. It helps to boost the passing of sperm. If you look yourself every day, when you notice a transparent discharge that is stretchy like the albumen, this is the day with highest birthrate.

6. Perform the traditional positions

The positions that can help direct the semen toward women’s uteruses such as doggy style, man on the top, side by side are good for pregnancy. Avoid the position such as standing, leaning or woman on top because they prevent the semen to flow to the uteruses.

7 Proven Foods For Conceiving A Boy (Part 2) Avocado

Avocado - 7 Proven Foods For Conceiving A Boy (Part 2)Avocado contains many important nutrients for conceiving a boy, includes potassium and vitamin A, B, C. Avocado pear can greatly provide calories, so avocado can certainly be a great fruit to add in the diet if you want to have a baby boy. But, you should not consume that fruit excessively because it contains high quantities of extra fat. Eating avocado in a long time can result in some excess weights.

7 Proven Foods For Conceiving A Boy (Part 1)

Pickles - 7 Proven Foods For Conceiving A Boy (Part 1)

Although diets do not guarantee to help conceive a boy, there appear to be particular kinds of food which are scientifically proven to improve the chances of conceiving a boy or girl.

Multiple researchers have examined the influences of foods to the fetus, and they have discovered that parents who follow particular sorts of diet plans. Here are some kinds of foods that will increase the rates of conceiving a boy.

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women
Having a healthy diet is actually essential for the good lifestyles. Furthermore, in a pregnancy, a proper eating plan is especially important. Healthy diet when pregnant can help your baby grow and develop as well as make you stay fit and healthy.
Many times, you can starve. It’s normal and, you do not have to eat for both you and your child, regardless of if you are getting pregnant for twin or triplet babies. Eat your breakfast every day as the breakfast will help you avoid eating high-fat and sugary snacks.
Healthy diets are also varying the meals by different types of food. It is important to be careful when choosing foods for your meals if you suffer from gestational diabetes. In this case, get advice from the doctors.

How To Conceive A Boy Or Girl


How To Conceive A Boy
Legitimate aspirations of the couples are having both boys and girls as children. Those also are the concerns of the families which have one sided viviparities. According to preliminary statistics, These couples which have not archived their wills often break out their birth-plans, causing less or more troubles for executing birth control.
The objective of the now a day campaign is that each couple should only have 1 to 2 children. To obtain the above objective, and to simultaneously satisfy the legitimate aspirations of the families, the couples who are in parturition need to have a thorough grasp of and apply the scientific method in giving birth to boy or girl at will, ensuring the healthy and intelligent newborns, avoiding conceiving different eggs phenomenon.

Tips on Conceiving Twins 2013

 How to Conceiving Twins ?  this question is problem for someone who want to get twin.

How to get pregnant with a boy positions for 2013


It makes sense to assume that you’re trying to conceive a male baby and you suspect (rightly so) that there are things that you can do to greatly increase your odds of having success with this,   that can raise your odds of getting pregnant with a boy to one as high as over 90%.

How to get best position to get pregnant

Many people feel that they’re judged
                 when they say they’d like a boy or a lady after they get pregnant, however we predict they have each right to a preference. we all know precisely what it’s wish to be desperate for a boy once you have already got a family jam-packed with women, and that we will assist you have a boy.

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