
วันอังคารที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Pregnancy Test

The articles How To Conceive A Boy Or Girl and your usage of Conception Packages are used for increasing the your chance of being pregnant. So, now you are in the phase wherein you will do everything you can and hope that you are having the baby as planned. This page will provide you with some information on pregnancy examination.

Shettles Method

For those who do not like surprises, and really wants to conceive a child of a particular sex, Dr. Shettles in the 60 years of the last century, has developed a method of planning sex of the child. On it will be discussed in this article.

On what is the Shettles method

On what is the Shettles method

How to Conceive a Boy with Natural Methods

How to Conceive a Boy with Natural MethodsBased on  the alkaliphile characteristic of sperm Y, cleaning the vagina deeply with slightly alkaline solution 2 hours before the sexual intercourse is suggested to get rid of sperm X harmlessly.
* Balancing PH and your diet
Willing to give birth to boys need to support sperm Y, get rid of sperm X then use 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate sodium dissolved in 1 liter boiled water.

The Factors Affecting The Quality Of Eggs, Sperm And Fetus

These factors will affect directly the qualities of sperm, eggs and accidentally damage the conception.

a. Alcohol, cigarettes addiction and the damage to races

Throughout the life progress, human body must produce resistant substances to work against unbeneficial impacts. Mutation in sexual genes (chromosomes arrangement) definitely happens in the generations of the children, grandchildren of alcohol, cigarettes addicts. The worst is appearance of monsters, mental disorders, underdevelopment, diseases such as asthma…
A research shows that, at present in every 1.000 newborns there are 6 babies who have chromosomes circuit changed due to above reason. In our country earlier, several areas have drinking habits and that causes direct damage to alcohol addicts (suffer from hepatitis and die soon). Their children and grandchildren also suffer from diseases and are less intelligent…
Everyone knows that this vice damages people, damages races, food, causes social disorder and safety. Many accidents (in labor, in daily activities, in traffic) are caused by the drunk. Science has proved that: there are cases in which the children is not from a alcohol addict man but they can be affect badly to health if they are fertilized when the father is drunk. The doctors advise that in the first three months of the pregnancy, the mother is not allowed to drink alcohol, even healthy alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

How To Conceive A Girl Naturally

How To Conceive A Girl NaturallySince X sperm has the attribute like acid, the simplest method is that creates an acid environment before intercourse 2 hours by the vaginal douching with a harmless mild acid liquid to support and eliminate Y sperm.
* Your diet and Balancing PH
For a daughter pregnancy : need to support for sperm X, eliminating Y sperm, use a teaspoon of fresh lime juice mixed in 1 liter of water boiled.

Actively Giving Birth To A Healthy, Intelligent, Beautiful Newborn

Beautiful NewbornIn the nature, a lot of creatures did learn to actively choose to survive and develop. Human being – a special creature, learns to think and so learns to consider when giving birth to its children or grandchildren.
From past to present, the aspirations of the couples simply are that the children are healthier, more intelligent than parents, and more beautiful as well. Then the common aspirations are the fertilization at will: giving birth not too soon, but few and spacing fertility, healthy, intelligent, beautiful babies, even boys or girls, bringing them up so that they would become good citizens in the society… It’s all about the building and selection of races, a strategic leveled issue.

The Best Basic Conceiving Tips Ever

The Best Basic Conceiving Tips EverFor almost of couples, nothing can become more wonderful than the happiness of having a baby. And thus, the effective conceiving tips are constantly looked for. The immense feelings of happiness and reassurance flood over any parents who are hoping to bring a baby to life. Furthermore, this is one of the keys to the joy of a perfect family.
However, not all the couples have enough fortune for conceiving after deciding to have a baby. For many people, getting conceived isn’t simple as it may appear. In this instance, having a proper solution becomes necessary. Therefore, if you have the difficulties when making the effort to be pregnant, you will find the following tips effective and beneficial.